Thank you for your interest in joining us as a referee. Becoming a referee is an incredible way to stay connected to the beautiful game when no longer playing and is vitally important to providing middle and high school students the opportunity to compete on behalf of their schools.
We welcome you and will support you as you get started with us whether you’ve never refereed soccer before or have years of experience. We want to make this a rewarding experience for you.
2024-2025 Season Key Dates
- October
- 14 – FHSAA Soccer Online Rules Exam available
- 21 – FHSAA early registration deadline
- November
- 25 – FHSAA late registration deadline
- $5 additional fee
- 25 – FHSAA Soccer Online Rules Exam Deadline for Postseason
- You must complete the exam by this date in order to be eligible for State Series (Regional and State finals) games
- 27 – FHSAA Soccer Online Rules Exam Reopens
- If you take the exam during this period, you can only officiate games through District playoffs.
- 25 – FHSAA late registration deadline
- December
- 4 – FHSAA Soccer Online Rules Exam Closes
Steps to Take
- Contact CFRSOA if you live in or near the areas we serve – Polk, Highland, and Hardee counties to introduce yourself and let us help guide you through registration and get you a rules book to prepare for your test
- You can also download the ebook from NFHS
- Register with FHSAA
- Be sure to select CFRSOA as your primary association
- Apply for your Background Check
- To referee high school soccer in Florida, you must comply with the Jessica Lunsford Act which requires a background check every 5 years for contractors with access to students on school grounds.
- You can get your screening from any school district in Florida. Information for our area:
- Send a copy of your card to assignmentofficer@cfrsoa.org so your record can be updated and we can schedule you for games.
- Get your official FHSAA uniform.
- CFRSOA has some uniforms and equipment available for purchase. If you’re interested in this, please let us know when you email us.
- FHSAA Become an Official page
- NFHS Soccer page
- US Soccer Referee Resources (please note: Although high schools play under NFHS rules rather than the IFAB Laws of the Game which USSF uses, they are similar and the concepts of refereeing remain the same.)